“Tooltip” style blurbs
(open lawn, tennis courts, new monument, bathrooms, gathering spaces)

Draft Plan 2108281
Tennis Courts Bathrooms Open Lawn Open Lawn Gathering Spaces Gathering Spaces New Monument Bathrooms Gathering Spaces

Tennis Courts

The tennis courts will remain in the current location. They will be resurfaced and screened by a buffer zone of trees and other vegetation to make them more aesthetically pleasing from the exterior.


The top priority identified during community engagement was the addition of bathrooms on the south end of the park. The draft plan recommends bathrooms on the southern end including appropriate security and maintenance.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.

New Monument

The community has expressed a strong desire for an additional monument in the park. The Master Plan draft recommends a new monument be located in the central allee between the Civil War Memorial and the southern entrance to the park. This monument could allow the community to honor or memorialize stories that are important to its history that are less frequently told or known. The Master Plan will not identify the subject matter of this new monument; the design of the monument will be a separate City-led project.


The top priority identified during community engagement was the addition of bathrooms on the south end of the park. The draft plan recommends bathrooms on the southern end including appropriate security and maintenance.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.


“Lightbox” style blurbs

Draft Plan 2108282
Tennis Courts Bathrooms Open Lawn Open Lawn Gathering Spaces Gathering Spaces New Monument Bathrooms Gathering Spaces

Tennis Courts

The tennis courts will remain in the current location. They will be resurfaced and screened by a buffer zone of trees and other vegetation to make them more aesthetically pleasing from the exterior.


The top priority identified during community engagement was the addition of bathrooms on the south end of the park. The draft plan recommends bathrooms on the southern end including appropriate security and maintenance.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.

New Monument

The community has expressed a strong desire for an additional monument in the park. The Master Plan draft recommends a new monument be located in the central allee between the Civil War Memorial and the southern entrance to the park. This monument could allow the community to honor or memorialize stories that are important to its history that are less frequently told or known. The Master Plan will not identify the subject matter of this new monument; the design of the monument will be a separate City-led project.


The top priority identified during community engagement was the addition of bathrooms on the south end of the park. The draft plan recommends bathrooms on the southern end including appropriate security and maintenance.

Gathering Spaces

The park has very few shaded spaces for visitors to sit and enjoy a picnic, relax or gather. Many in the community requested shaded gathering spaces with seating. The Master Plan draft proposes the creation of 2 such spaces, one in the middle and one at the southern end of the park.


Vertical orientation for phones
“Tooltip” style blurbs
(perimeter path, fountain, open lawn)

Draft Plan 2108311
Forsyth Fountain Dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes on expanded perimeter sidewalk Open Lawn Open Lawn

Forsyth Fountain

We have decided that we will not be demolishing the fountain. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes on expanded perimeter sidewalk

Separating bikes from pedestrians was the second most requested feature by the community. The existing perimeter sidewalk along Whitaker, Drayton and Park Ave. will be expanded to accommodate cyclists, joggers and pedestrians. A team of arborists has inspected each tree along the perimeter to ensure that they are all adequately protected. The sidewalk along Gaston Street is wide enough to accommodate the separation of uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.


Vertical orientation for phones
“Lightbox” style blurbs
(perimeter path, fountain, open lawn)

Draft Plan 2108292
Forsyth Fountain Dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes on expanded perimeter sidewalk Open Lawn Open Lawn

Forsyth Fountain

We have decided that we will not be demolishing the fountain. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Dedicated bike and pedestrian lanes on expanded perimeter sidewalk

Separating bikes from pedestrians was the second most requested feature by the community. The existing perimeter sidewalk along Whitaker, Drayton and Park Ave. will be expanded to accommodate cyclists, joggers and pedestrians. A team of arborists has inspected each tree along the perimeter to ensure that they are all adequately protected. The sidewalk along Gaston Street is wide enough to accommodate the separation of uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.

Open Lawn

The community overwhelmingly asked that the amount of green space in the park be preserved as much as possible to allow open space for adults and children alike to engage in both active and passive uses.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate.

  • Cras volutpat odio ac sapien faucibus auctor.

  • Sed consequat odio quis dictum.

  • Nam ac pharetra nibh. Nullam eu magna sit amet.

  • Nam ac pharetra nibh dapibus tincidunt.

Ut convallis, magna sed dapibus tincidunt, nulla lacus sollicitudin nisi, id commodo urna urna in elit. Nunc vulputate tincidunt risus non volutpat. Nulla tristique urna at risus egestas consequat

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
Daniel Cross • Executive Director


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere


Nullam convallis, orci in congue aliquet, diam mauris cursus urna, id maximus lectus magna maximus tellus ut posuere

Annual Month of Giving

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi. Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate. Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ac nibh vestibulum, laoreet ipsum quis, vestibulum nisi.Curabitur non mi et turpis pharetra vulputate. Cras consequat, risus nec commodo vehicula, nisi est laoreet leo, ac convallis nisi nibh id velit.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.